Court of Appeals Reverses Paternity Case Dismissal Due To Venue and Authority Issues
The Court of Appeals reversed and remanded the Trial Court’s order dismissing the paternity action because the Trial Court was the appropriate venue for the paternity action under the Paternity Act, MCL 722.711 et seq, and the Friend of the Court’s motion to dismiss was improper as it was outside the scope of the Friend of the Court’s statutory authority pursuant to MCL 552.501(2).
Trial Court Correctly Extended PPO On Its Own Motion
The trial court properly extended – on its own motion – the duration of a personal protection order (PPO) after finding the respondent guilty of criminal contempt for violating the PPO, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled.
Appeals Court: Father Did Not ‘Forfeit’ His Objections To FOC Recommendations
The trial court improperly held that the plaintiff forfeited his objections to the FOC referee’s recommendations and went ahead and adopted the referee’s recommendations.