Appeals Court: No ‘Fees For Fees’ Award In FOIA Case
A trial court properly refused to award the plaintiff in this Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case attorney fees that were incurred after the defendant’s disclosure of the requested information but incurred as a result of seeking fees related to that disclosure – otherwise known as “fees for fees,” the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled
Court Of Appeals Conflict Panel: Stipulated Final Order Not Required To Reserve Appellate Rights; Dramshop Act Does Not Bar Claims Based On Conduct Unrelated To Intoxication
Court of Appeals conflict panel holds that a stipulated final order does not require reservation of appellate rights language in order to review interlocutory order. Dramshop Act does not bar claims for negligence related to hiring, training and supervision of employee unrelated to actions of intoxicated patron.
Mental Health Code Notice Provision Inapplicable To ‘Initial’ Evaluation Process
The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that the notice requirement in the Mental Health Code – specifically MCL 330.1453(1) – does not apply to the initial process of obtaining mental health evaluations.