Court of Appeals Holds Chiropractors May Offer Expert Testimony Regarding Motor Vehicle Accidents
The Court of Appeals ruled that a chiropractor may offer expert testimony on causation in personal injury cases, provided it falls within the scope of chiropractic practice as defined by the Public Health Code, while affirming the exclusion of causation testimony from a physical therapist due to limitations in their scope of practice.
Mom Convicted Of Shaking Infant To Death Gets New Trial
The Michigan Supreme Court decided the trial court wrongly held that expert testimony on shaken baby syndrome (SBS) was inadmissible under the rules of evidence and, as a result, the defendant is entitled to a new trial.
MSC Asks: Was Expert Mistakenly Required In Reasonable Accommodation Case?
The Michigan Supreme Court is currently considering a case involving the denial of a residential tenant’s request for a “reasonable accommodation”.
Police Interrogation Wrongly Admitted: Defendant Entitled To New Trial
A defendant convicted of criminal sexual conduct was entitled to a new trial because an unredacted recording of the defendant’s police interrogation was improperly admitted into evidence.